Margaret Morse Nice: Research Is A Passion With Me: The Autobiography Of A Bird Lover (Margaret Morse Nice, Forward By Konrad Lorenz, 1979)

A consummate naturalist, Margaret Morse Nice is best known as the pioneer of long-term field investigation into the life of any free-living wild animal. It was the Song Sparrow that made her famous. With a poet's appreciation for nature reminiscent of Thoreau, Margaret Nice took her place high in the ranks of the leading scientists, ornithologists and recognized birders in the first three quarters of the twentieth century. Her life as a nature lover is awe inspiring and certainly made me somewhat breathless. Applause, applause.

Reviewed by Peter McAllister


After The Blast: The Ecological Recovery of Mount St. Helens (Eric Wagner, 2020)


The Condor's Feather: Travelling Wild in South America (Michael Webster, 2022)